Assalamu alaikum sobat chotaraya, gmn kabarnya..?
semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat ya.. Amiiin.
untuk tulisan perdana saya kali ini akan membahas tentang kemudahan dalam verifikasi akun paypal, soalnya di tahun 2011 ini team verifikasi paypal memberikan kemudahan baru bagi kita dalam memverifikasi akun paypal manual tanpa kartu kredit ATM/VCC. jadi mungkin ini merupakan kabar gembira bagi sobat yang selama ini masih kesusahan dalam memverifikasi akunya…. ya udah langsung aja deh kita menuju ke TKP…. Cekidot… hehe
semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat ya.. Amiiin.
untuk tulisan perdana saya kali ini akan membahas tentang kemudahan dalam verifikasi akun paypal, soalnya di tahun 2011 ini team verifikasi paypal memberikan kemudahan baru bagi kita dalam memverifikasi akun paypal manual tanpa kartu kredit ATM/VCC. jadi mungkin ini merupakan kabar gembira bagi sobat yang selama ini masih kesusahan dalam memverifikasi akunya…. ya udah langsung aja deh kita menuju ke TKP…. Cekidot… hehe
Apa saja yang perlu disiapkan ?
1. Siapkan scan photo copy Kartu Pengenal (SIM, KTP atau sejenisnya)
2. Siapkan scan photo copy Buku Rekening dari Bank, (cukup halaman depan yang menunjukkan identitas akun di bank)
Berikut screenshootnya :
1. Siapkan scan photo copy Kartu Pengenal (SIM, KTP atau sejenisnya)
2. Siapkan scan photo copy Buku Rekening dari Bank, (cukup halaman depan yang menunjukkan identitas akun di bank)
Berikut screenshootnya :
sebelumnya cek sekali lagi tentang data akun di paypal apakah sudah cocok dengan data yang akan di kirim, dan usahakan data di paypal sama persis dengan data yang akan kita kirim nanti (Kartu Pengenal & Buku Tabungan). selanjutnya buka email yang sebelumnya anda gunakan dalam mendaftar di paypal, buat e-mail baru dan kirim ke alamat dengan di tambah sedikit isian berikut :
Dear Admin,
my concern is in verifying my account.
I sent the document to verify my account because it is so hard to verifying my account with credit card.
Please help me how to get verified without credit card.
my concern is in verifying my account.
I sent the document to verify my account because it is so hard to verifying my account with credit card.
Please help me how to get verified without credit card.
thank you
Namun bila ada perbedaan dalam penulisan antara buku rekening bank dan KTP/SIM sebaiknya di tambahkan penjelasan kepada team paypal.
misalnya perbedaan pada alamat, maka data tambahan yang akan kita kirim ke paypal ;
misalnya perbedaan pada alamat, maka data tambahan yang akan kita kirim ke paypal ;
About my account address in my bank book, I explain that in my country “desa” sometimes called to “kel’ (kelurahan), which means village.and there is an error writing my address from my bank(karang winonga but the real address is karang winongan) in my account. pls understand
Setelah data di kirim, biasanya akan ada survey dari team paypal tentang pelayanan mereka, cukup jawab saja semua pertanyaan dengan wajar dan jangan berlebihan. Tapi kadang akun langsung di verifikasi tanpa survey. biasanya team paypal juga akan memberitahukan bahwa proses verifikasi sedang berlangsung dan membutuhkan persetujuan dari departement terkait. berikut isi emailnya :
Hello xxxxxxxxx
I’m Shirley from the PayPal Customer Caring Team.
I am very happy to receive you documents and I have already sent your
documents to our related department. They will review them. If they are
alright, your PayPal account will be verified within 48 hours.
documents to our related department. They will review them. If they are
alright, your PayPal account will be verified within 48 hours.
I hope this is helpful for you. In the next couple of days, you may be
getting a survey and if you do, please kindly provide us your feedback
and let us know if you’d recommend us to your family and friends.
Remember only a 9 or 10 shows that you’d recommend us.
getting a survey and if you do, please kindly provide us your feedback
and let us know if you’d recommend us to your family and friends.
Remember only a 9 or 10 shows that you’d recommend us.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us by email
or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.
or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.
Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read
the terms and conditions carefully.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read
the terms and conditions carefully.
tunggulah paling lama dua hari, dan bersiaplah akun paypal anda aka segera terverifikasi…. ^_^
Dan jreng… jreng… inilah Email pemberitahuan dari team paypal atas akun yang telah terverifikasi:
Hello xxxxxxxxx,
Thank you for providing the necessary documents for account
verification. Your account is now Verified and the withdrawal limit on
your account is lifted.
verification. Your account is now Verified and the withdrawal limit on
your account is lifted.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone.
email or by phone.
Thank you again for choosing PayPal.
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read
the terms and conditions carefully.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read
the terms and conditions carefully.
gimana..? mudahkan prosesnya, murah lagi… hehe
sebelumnya makasi ya atas kunjungannya… ^_^
sebelumnya makasi ya atas kunjungannya… ^_^
Thanks For:
Jadi Bekomentarlah Yang Sepantas-Pantasnya. \[^o^]/